: BLOG BOOK LABEL CONTACT Memories of SEX in Forum magazine Monday , Jan 31st , 2011 Categories : 70s Blogs Boutiques Fashion design Punk Steve Jones , Unknown , Alan Jones , Chrissie Hynde , Jordan , Vivienne Westwood . Photo : David Dagley Rex . Features On the new blog I’ve posted a piece based on exclusive interviews with writer Len Richmond and photographer David Dagley about the article on SEX in Forum magazine in the . mid-70s They talk about the sexually-charged photo-shoot which resulted in such iconic images as the one . above Check it out here Dazemusic , said February 2, 2011 7:47 pm Where is Jordan these days She used to live in Seaford and came into Woollies in Eastbourne to talk to my assistant on the record counter rockpopfashion , said February 4, 2011 11:45 am She’s still